How to Configure your Express Access Point to use an IP Address or a Specific Port
Technical Note 2007
Last Reviewed 27-Aug-2004

Applies To
Express Software Manager version 7.0

When installing the Express Access Point, the machine name is used to specify the URL that clients will use to communicate to the Express Access point. For example, if you install the Express Access Point to a machine called TEST the Access Point URL will be configured as http://TEST/ExpressSoftwareManagerAP/clientservices.asmx. There may be situations where clients cannot resolve the machine by name. In these situations, you can create the Access Point using an IP address instead of a machine name. This tech note includes instructions to add an Express Access point using an IP address and to remove an unwanted Access Point from the database.

In addition, your IIS server may be set up to use a port other than the default port of 80. This note also includes instructions for configuring the Express Access Point to use an alternate port.

Non-default Express Access Point Configurations

Configure the Access Point to use IP address instead of Machine name
The following steps must be performed on the machine that has the IIS Server and the ExpressSoftwareManagerAP folder:
  1. Open Internet Explorer and type in the Access Point URL in the following format:
    For example, if the IP address of your Access Point machine is, type in the following URL:
    Important Note: You must open Internet Explorer on the machine running IIS and your Access Point. If you don't, you won't see the Invoke button described below.
  2. The previous step will open a page that reads "ClientService" at the top of the page followed by a list of links. Click on the link labeled "RegisterAccessPoint".
  3. Click on the Invoke button. This will return the following in a new browser window:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <int xmlns="">0</int>
    Note: If a <1> is returned instead, please see Technical Note 2001.
Upon completing the steps above, you will see the new Express Access Point URL in the Express Today view and the "Install Express Client" dialog box in the Express Administrative Console.

Configure the Express Access Point to use an alternate port
By default, when the Express Access Point is installed if will be installed under the IIS Default website using the default IIS port. The default port for IIS is port 80. If you have changed the default port to a different value, you will need to register the Access Point using the non-default value.

For example, if your default IIS website port has been changed, follow the instructions below.
  1. Open Internet Explorer and type in the Access Point URL in the following format:
    For example, if your Access Point machine name is test and you are using port 8080, type in the following URL:
    Important Note: You must open Internet Explorer on the machine running IIS and your Access Point. If you don't, you won't see the Invoke button described below.
  2. The previous step will open a page that reads "ClientService" at the top of the page followed by a list of links. Click on the link labeled "RegisterAccessPoint".
  3. Click on the Invoke button. This will return the following in a new browser window:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <int xmlns="">0</int>
    Note: If a <1> is returned instead, please see Technical Note 2001.
Upon completing the steps above, you will see the new Express Access Point URL in the Express Today view and the "Install Express Client" dialog box in the Express Administrative Console.

Removing an Express Access Point entry from the Database
Once you register a new Access Point, you may decide that you no longer need the old value. For example, if you originally registered the Access Point using the default port of 80, which was incorrect, you can remove that entry in the database.

To delete the old Express Access Point URL from the database so it no longer displays in the Express Administrative Console, use the following case-sensitive OSQL command to delete it. At a command prompt, type the following:
OSQL -S{servername} -d{databasename} -U{expressuserid} -P{expresspassword} -Q" "DELETE FROM middletieraccesspoints where accessstring = 'http://{machinename}/ExpressSoftwareManagerAP/clientservices.asmx'"
For example, given the following values:
Server name: test
Database name: express70
Express User: express
Express Password: express
Access Point URL you want to delete: http://test/ExpressSoftwareManagerAP/clientservices.asmx
you would type in the following command at a command prompt:
OSQL -Stest -dexpress70 -Uexpress -Pexpress -Q"DELETE FROM middletieraccesspoints where accessstring='http://test/ExpressSoftwareManagerAP/clientservices.asmx'"

Related Technical Notes
2001Microsoft IIS and the Express Access Point (version 7.x)
2000Express Software Manager Technical Notes