Updating the Express Access Point and Reporting After Moving the Express Database
Technical Note 2023
Last Reviewed 2-Nov-2011

Applies To
Express Software Manager version 9.0 and later

If you move the Express Database (for example, to a different SQL Server) and want to leave other server components installed, you will need to modify several configuration files to bind these components to the new server.

Note: You should only modify those portions of the configuration files described in this technical note.

Updating the Express Access Point Configuration Files
The Express Access Point is a web service that facilitates communication between Express Clients and the Express Database. It includes a configuration file that specifies the location and credentials used to access the database. The configuration file, web.config, is located in the root Access Point folder, a subfolder of the esmweb folder structure. Normally the file can be found in:
unless you specified a different root folder for the Access Point during installation.
  1. Open the web.config file using any text editor such as Notepad. (It is an XML file containing HTML-like tags.)
  2. Locate the section starting with <DBInfo - this is the section of the file containing the Express Database location and credentials.
  3. You will see the following XML tags:
    Modify the setting(s) which have changed. For example, if you have moved the database to another machine, modify the value specified by the <DBMachine> tag, and save the file.
Note: The Access Point's database configuration information also includes a setting (<NTAuth>false</NTAuth>) which specifies that SQL authentication (rather than NT autentication) will be used. You must leave this setting false.

Updating the Express Administrative Reports Configuration Files (versions 9.0 and 9.5 only)
The Express Administrative Reports (accessed from within the Administratve Console) are a subcomponent of the Express Access Point. These reports have their own configuration file that must be modified.
  1. Navigate to the location where the webreports.config file is stored. Normally this is:
  2. Open the webreports.config file in any text editor. (This file is similar to web.config file described above but with far fewer entries.)
  3. Again, locate the <DBInfo> section, modify the applicable configuration value(s), and save the file.

Updating Express Reports Configuration Files (versions 9.0 and later)
Express Reporting uses two settings files to access the Express Database, one for reports and one for filters. Both files must reference the same Express database.

Note: In these files, the database information is specified as a single connection string vs. via individual XML tags as above.

The file used for reports is _Settings.lgx and is normally found in
unless you specified a different root folder for Express Reporting.
  1. Open _Settings.lgx file using any text editor. (It is an XML file containing HTML-like tags.)
  2. Located the section of the file starting with <Connection Type="Application" - this is section of the file containing the Express Database location and credentials.
  3. The complete tag will look like this:
    <Connection Type="Application"
    Data Source=Database_Server_Name\Server_Instance_Name;
    Initial Catalog=Database_Name;
    User ID=Express_Database_User_Name;
    Persist Security Info=False" />
    The ConnectionString attribute value is the string used to connect to the Express Database. Modify any individuals as applicable and save the file.
The web.config file used by the reports console must also be edited. It is found in:
The format of this file is similar to that of the _Settings.lgx file described above.
  1. Edit web.config and locate the <connectionStrings> entry.
  2. Make any required changes to the connectionString attribute value and save the file.
Note: XML tags and attribute names are case-sensitive. Make sure you use the exact attribute name ("connectionString") shown above for the web.config file which is slightly different than that in the _Settings.lgx.

Updating Express Purchasing Configuration Files (versions 9.5 and later)
The web.config file used by the purchasing console must also be edited. It is typically found in:
The format of this file is somewhat similar to that of the web.config file described in the previous section.
  1. Edit web.config and locate the <session-factory> entry. This is section of the file containing the Express Database location and credentials.
  2. Find the line that begins
    <property name="connection.connection_string">...
    Make any required changes to the Express Database attribute values and save the file.

Locating Express Reports, Purchasing, and Access Point Website Folders
If any of the Express websites are installed into non-default locations, you may need to use IIS Manager to locate the physical folders in order to edit the configuration files. From within IIS Manager, open the web site on which the Express component was installed. Application folders in IIS are referred to as "virtual directories" - a name (such as ExpressSoftwareManagerAP) which refers to a web application in a physical folder on the IIS machine.

Note: The method for navigating in IIS Manager varies depending on IIS version, but typically there will a tree view on the left with web sites and application folders under them. To determine the folder, simply view the properties of the virtual directory.

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